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2025 Tax Guides now available. Download today!

Supporting the wellbeing of PCA pastors’ wives

What is Cherish?

Cherish provides grants so that PCA pastors’ wives can access confidential Christian counseling. These grants are funded through your gifts to PCA Ministerial Relief. When you invest in Cherish you invest in the health of the church.

In our survey of PCA pastors’ wives, they indicated:

7 out of 10

feel they have few people they can confide in.

8 out of 10

said they would make use of Christian
counseling if offered.

9 out of 10

believe they are perceived or treated differently than other women in the church.

How to Get Started

Determine Your Eligibility

Cherish provides grants so that PCA pastors’ wives can access Christian counseling.

Choose Your Counseling Provider

Sessions are administered through the following charitable organizations:

We have made some slight changes to the Cherish program for new participants starting July 1, 2024.

Session 1-3 – fully subsidized

Session 4-6 – $60 copay each session

Wives are eligible once every other year. You may choose to continue with additional sessions at the rate negotiated with your counselor.

Your Privacy

Your privacy is important to us. We will only use your information to verify your eligibility and to communicate with you.


Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us by phone (678.825.1276) or email (relief@genevabenefits.org) if you have any questions.