2025 Tax Guides now available. Download today!
2025 Tax Guides now available. Download today!


Access Accounts

(for employees)

Manage Accounts

(for employers/administrators)

Questions about enrollment? Click here.

Fund Performance Reports

Core Funds (Performance as of 12/31/2024)*

Geneva S&P 500 (M)2.36%24.41%8.45%14.03%12.58%
Geneva Large Cap Value (M)-1.98%14.01%5.34%8.06%7.71%
Geneva Large Cap Growth (M)6.80%32.42%9.93%18.08%15.26%
International Stock-7.28%5.28%0.82%4.86%5.00%
Geneva Mid Cap Growth (M)-0.36%10.81%2.67%10.60%11.25%
Geneva Mid Cap Value (M)-2.42%11.97%5.40%9.63%8.24%
Geneva Small Cap (M)-0.28%8.40%-0.45%5.79%7.15%
Geneva Diversified Bond (M)-3.29%0.95%-2.61%-0.43%1.15%
Stable Value Fund (inception 5/1/17)0.69%2.59%2.11%1.90%N/A
*Please note all returns are unaudited.
(M) Separately Managed, Morally Screened Custom Funds

Geneva Target Funds (Performance as of 12/31/2024)*

Geneva Target Fund 2065-1.99%11.84%3.02%N/AN/A
Geneva Target Fund 2060-1.99%11.84%3.02%8.14%N/A
Geneva Target Fund 2055-1.99%11.84%3.02%8.14%7.83%
Geneva Target Fund 2050-1.90%11.69%2.97%8.17%7.84%
Geneva Target Fund 2045-1.61%11.21%2.70%7.96%7.73%
Geneva Target Fund 2040-1.66%10.00%2.06%7.25%7.25%
Geneva Target Fund 2035-1.54%8.85%1.74%6.43%6.55%
Geneva Target Fund 2030-1.12%7.95%1.80%5.75%5.80%
Geneva Target Fund 2025-1.07%6.98%1.57%4.98%4.91%
Geneva Target Fund 2020-1.14%5.75%1.06%4.02%4.08%
Geneva Target Fund 2015-0.87%5.96%1.41%3.76%3.63%
Geneva Target Fund Harvester-0.82%5.99%1.57%3.82%3.63%
*Please note all returns are unaudited


Retirement Planner

Quickly determine if your retirement plan is on track.

Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)

Determine your RMD now and in future years.

1040 Tax Calculator

Determine your income tax bill.

Forms & Documents

FOR EMPLOYERS (administrators)


What are the essential elements of a call package?

In this video the Retirement Readiness Team walk through the components of a well-structured call package.

What is a call package consultation?

Our retirement planners consult with sessions and pastors in the building of a pastoral compensation or “call” package. We discuss the various elements such as housing allowance, retirement, insurance, SECA allowance, and taxes. A thoughtfully built call package helps to promote the well-being of a pastor and his family. A call package also allows a church to know they are lovingly and generously caring for their pastor. Click here to access more free resources from Geneva about well-designed call packages.

How do I make an online retirement contribution?

We have created a dedicated page to walk you through how to use our online retirement contribution portal. There you will find a link to access the portal, a detailed pdf guide, as well as tutorial videos. Visit our Retirement Contribution Resource.

Will I receive housing allowance in retirement?

Retired ministers receive distributions as “eligible” for housing allowance from our 403(b)(9) retirement plan. Our board of directors issues an annual resolution authorizing housing allowance for retired ministers. The same housing allowance limits apply before and after retirement. Any distributions beyond your housing allowance are still taxable.

How are ordained ministers taxed?

Ordained ministers have a unique dual tax status. They are W-2 employees of a church or organization. Simultaneously, they are self-employed for Social Security tax purposes. In addition, ministers are able to exclude their housing allowance from federal and state taxation.

What kind of retirement account do you offer?

We offer a 403(b)(9) retirement plan. Typically, a 401(k) is used in the for profit world, while a 403(b) is used in the non-profit world. Our retirement plan is a 403(b)(9) with special features for denominations and churches. One of the key features is housing allowance in retirement for ministers which provides a tremendous tax savings.

What are the tax advantages with a 403(b)(9) retirement plan?

There are two ways to save, each with its own tax advantages.
·      With traditional 403(b) contributions, you save with pre-tax dollars, which reduces your taxable income and your current tax obligation. You pay no income tax on your savings or investment returns until you retire and begin taking a distribution from the plan.
·      With Roth 403(b) contributions, you save after tax dollars. When you take a distribution from the plan, that distribution will be tax-free, provided your account had been open for at least five years and you are at least age 59 ½.

How is your money invested in the retirement plan?

There are three different ways to invest with Geneva. You may select from Target Funds, Core Funds, and a Self-Directed Brokerage Account. When you initially enroll, you will be invested in an age-appropriate Target Fund. Target Funds are single funds comprised of multiple underlying funds. Target Funds employ broad diversification and seek to set risk appropriate for your age, provide reasonable returns and automatically adjust as you near retirement. Target Fund allocations are professionally developed and simplify investing decisions.

How do Geneva’s investments reflect Christian convictions?

Geneva works hard to craft an investment portfolio that reflects our Christian convictions and gospel values. As often as feasible, we direct our fund managers to invest in companies that promote human flourishing, protect and nurture God’s good creation, and seek the common good of society. We also seek to avoid investing in companies that materially and directly thwart those goals or whose core business models conflict with the clear teachings of scripture.

Who is allowed to participate in the retirement plan?

All ministers, missionaries, school personnel and lay church employees who receive W-2 taxable income from a PCA church or pre-approved church related organization are eligible to participate in the plan. To receive enrollment instructions fill out a request for instructions here. Questions on eligibility? Contact us at enrollment@genevabenefits.org.

How much does it cost to meet with a financial planner?

Nothing. Geneva knows the complexities associated with planning for retirement. Meeting with one of our Retirement Readiness Planners to discuss your unique situation has no additional cost to you or your church/organization. Set up a meeting today.

How can you access your retirement account?

You can access your retirement account online through the My Retirement Account link provided above on our MyBenefits page. Geneva Benefits Advisors are available to assist you with your account Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm, eastern. Northwest Partner Services (NWPS), our retirement plan administrator, is available Monday through Friday 8 am to 8pm, eastern.

Geneva Benefits Group: 1-800-789-8765
Email: benefits@genevabenefits.org
NWPS’ Geneva Service Center 1-877-543-0055

How much life insurance do I need?

You need enough coverage to meet the needs of your survivors and should consider expenses such as a mortgage, raising children, and college. A general rule of thumb is to start with 10 times your annual income. Remember, the amount you need is always changing. A 35-year-old with a spouse and kids needs far more life insurance than a couple nearing their 60’s who are empty nesters.

Do I have to be ordained to enroll for Geneva benefits?

No, ordination is not a requirement for enrollment in Geneva benefits. Employees who work 30 or more hours per week are considered full-time and eligible for Geneva group benefits (both retirement & insurance).

How do I communicate employee status changes to Geneva?

Please copy the current month’s invoice which lists the employee and his/her coverage.  On the copied sheet, make a note by that employee’s name with the change of employment and the last day worked, if applicable. Fax (678.825.1261) or email the page to Geneva for processing at benefits@genevabenefits.org. Changes and any needed adjustments will be reflected on the next month’s invoice (credits or retro billings).

When are benefits effective?

Benefits are effective the first day of the month following the date of hire. Please do not send contributions before this date.

How do we add a new hire for benefits?

New hires should complete and submit an Enrollment form, found on our My Benefits page, and enroll for new insurance benefits within the first 30 days of hire. You can download enrollment instructions and request a secure link on My Benefits.

How do we add insurance benefits?

You can add insurance benefits for your church/ministry staff by following these simple steps:

Step 1: Visit our My Benefits page to download enrollment instructions and complete two forms:

A) Group Insurance Adoption Agreement (IAA). This allows you to select which insurance products your organization will offer full-time employees.

B) Benefit Plan Enrollment Form. This provides us with the information needed to set up an account in SmartBen (our on-line benefits administrator).

Step 2: Request a secure email link by emailing us at enrollment@genevabenefits.org.

Step 3: Submit forms through secure link.

Do I have to fill out a medical questionnaire for insurance?

Most of our insurance products are designed to be offered without medical questions if you enroll within 30 days of your date of hire at your ministry organization.

I’ve worked at my church for years. What happens if I want to add a product or service now?

This needs to be coordinated with Geneva and your employer. There may be voluntary products for which you are eligible. Call us to discuss at 678.825.1260.

How soon may I be covered or participate after enrollment?

Geneva products begin the first of the month after your month of employment (or after approval if enrollment occurs well after your date of hire).

What happens to my insurance benefits when I retire or terminate from employment?

Life and Disability insurance offer portability to a new employer or conversion to individual insurance policies.

How can pastors thrive on the long road of ministry?

Watch this webinar to hear Rev. Jon Medlock provide a helpful framework for ministerial wellbeing, along with insight from his research into the wellbeing of PCA pastors.


Why is a sabbatical important?

The pastoral vocation is uniquely challenging. Work like sermon preparation, preaching, teaching, counseling, and day-to-day administrative oversight of the church are difficult and time-consuming enough. But pastors bear the additional burden of being “always on.” They get calls at night and on weekends, and wherever they go, they are seen in their pastoral role. For long-term wellbeing, pastors need occasional seasons away from these all-consuming demands provided by sabbiticals.

How do I sign up for counseling for pastors’ wives (Cherish)?

Signing up for Cherish is easy. Our counseling providers have a list of all ordained PCA teaching elders in their database. Visit genevabenefits.org/cherish, and select the counseling provider of your choice. Once you complete their intake form, one of their counselors will reach out to you to assist you in selecting a counselor and scheduling. Cherish is confidential, so Geneva staff does not receive information of those served through it. If you have challenges in registering, reach out to us at relief@genevabenefits.org.

Who qualifies for emergency relief assistance?

The Geneva Relief Fund is a ministry of the Presbyterian Church in a America (PCA). Eligible recipients include PCA Teaching Elders, their widows, and PCA ministry/church staff. Learn more at genevabenefits.org/relief.

If I participated in Cherish before, can I participate again?

Yes, you have access to 7 free/subsidized counseling sessions every three years.

How do I sign up for counseling for pastors’ wives (Cherish)?

Signing up for Cherish is easy. Our counseling providers have a list of all ordained PCA teaching elders in their database. Visit genevabenefits.org/cherish, and select the counseling provider of your choice. Once you complete their intake form, one of their counselors will reach out to you to assist you in selecting a counselor and scheduling. Cherish is confidential, so Geneva staff does not receive information of those served through it. If you have challenges in registering, reach out to us at relief@genevabenefits.org.

Who is eligible for financial assistance through the Relief Fund?

The Relief Fund is a ministry of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). Qualified recipients include PCA pastors and their wives as well as PCA church/ministry staff.

What type of support is available through the Relief Fund and who does it serve?

The Relief Fund provides long-term (6 months or greater) and short-term (less than 6 months) financial assistance as well as access to affordable Christian counseling.

Access to affordable Christian counseling is made available to the wife of any PCA Teaching Elder through our Cherish program. Learn more at genevabenefits.org/cherish

Long-term assistance is recurring monetary gifts which are designed to enable pastors and their widows to provide for basic necessities of life such as medical bills, groceries, utilities, housing, and other basic needs.
There are three categories of short-term assistance.

  • Survivor’s assistance is a one-time $1000 payment to the surviving spouse and dependents on the death of a PCA Teaching Elder or his spouse.
  • Health Insurance Assistance (HIA) is a reimbursement of health insurance premiums for up to six months for families of pastors between calls.
  • General assistance is reserved for one-time or short-term emergencies such as medical bills, funeral expenses, or other such situations that warrant assistance. PCA pastors and ministry staff qualify for this type of assistance.
How can I support the Relief Fund?

The Relief Fund depends on the support of generous individuals and churches. You can make an individual gift online at genevabenefits.org/give or equip your church to take a special offering to support our PCA church servants in need. Learn more at genevabenefits.org/getinvolved

How can I apply for relief?

Qualified individuals (PCA pastors, widows, and ministry staff) can apply for relief assistance online. Visit genevabenefits.org/applyrelief

Where do I start when it comes to Social Security and Medicare?

Watch this video to hear Rev. Dave Anderegg, CFP®, CRPC® explain the basics of Social Security and Medicare. This seminar was originally presented at the 2024 General Assembly of the PCA.

What is Social Security?

Watch this short video:

What is the future of Social Security?

Watch this short video:

How are Social Security Benefits calculated?

Watch this short video:

Should I opt-out of Social Security?

Watch this short video:

What is housing allowance?

Watch this short video:

What are the limits of housing allowance?
How does housing allowance work in retirement?

Watch this short video:

How do you calculate fair rental value for housing allowance?

Watch this short video:

Where do I start when it comes to Social Security and Medicare?

Watch this video to hear Rev. Dave Anderegg, CFP®, CRPC® explain the basics of Social Security and Medicare. This seminar was originally presented at the 2024 General Assembly of the PCA.

Helpful Resources

Q4 2024 Market Update

Geneva exists to help ministry leaders and their families navigate the complexities of financial planning and benefits so they can live generously in every season of ministry. Our Q4 Investment Market Update highlights key trends, developments, and insights into market performance and sentiment. This update aims to help retirement plan participants understand the factors influencing their investments. As we enter into 2025, it is perhaps even more prudent now to remain well-balanced and diversified in investing.

2025 Tax Guides

Each year brings revised contribution limits and changing tax laws. It is important to know how these annual updates impact churches and ministry staff.

Jarrett Allebach’s Sabbatical Journey: Prayer, Planning, and Wise Prioritization

Pastor Jarrett Allebach recounted his experience of a much-needed sabbatical after ten years of ministry, reflecting on the blessings, challenges, and revitalization that came out of his time away.