RELIEF FUND: Support PCA Pastors and Widows in need. GIVE TODAY!
RELIEF FUND: Support PCA Pastors and Widows in need. GIVE TODAY!

Earlier this year in response to increased reports of hacking and fraud attempts and due to a noticeable increase of falsified information being submitted to our offices, we implemented additional security measures including verification and confirmation of certain requests. While we have long required signatures, notary stamps, medallion signature guarantees and corroboration of personally identifiable information, it became apparent we needed to do more. Although the increased measures may seem like a hassle and may increase transaction time – it’s being done to keep your assets safe from fraud.

What’s included?
Requests that would trigger money outflows, including loan applications, distribution and rollover requests and life insurance claims. We will also be verifying individually submitted mailing address changes as well as mailing address change confirmations both to the new and the former mailing address.

How will my information be verified?
For those employed with a client ministry, we will verify contact information with employers.
For those retired, terminated, in between or without call or otherwise no longer working for a client organization, we will require the submission of government-issued photo IDs (driver license, passport, military) to verify identity.

What about online requests?
We are working with our vendors to implement enhanced security measures including multi-factor identification, individually-submitted secret questions and password change frequency. As we use several vendors to serve client needs, the security measures used on each application platform may vary.

What is multi-factor identification?
Use of an additional form of verification in addition to login and password, such as a PIN number mailed, e-mailed or texted to a cell phone.

Can I still use paper forms?
We serve thousands of participants and hundreds of ministry organizations, each with differing levels of needs and sophistication. While we are dedicated to serving each one, we must ensure that we conduct our operations in a secure fashion. We will continue to accept paper forms, but we are moving toward online security verification using the techniques mentioned earlier – we wish to protect you from both, old-fashioned paper fraud and hi-tech cyber fraud.

Is my information secure?
Client information and account balances are vitally important to us. You can be assured that all information held on RBI databases and offsite with vendors is secured and encrypted. We regularly perform financial audits and security tests to ensure data is accurate and systems are current.

Geneva Benefits Group serves those who serve others, providing practical support for the financial, physical, and mental wellbeing of people who work in full-time ministry.

Geneva offers preparedness and peace of mind with solutions tailored to the needs of ministry leaders and staff.