RELIEF FUND: Support PCA Pastors and Widows in need. GIVE TODAY!
RELIEF FUND: Support PCA Pastors and Widows in need. GIVE TODAY!


Jarrett Allebach’s Sabbatical Journey: Prayer, Planning, and Wise Prioritization

Pastor Jarrett Allebach recounted his experience of a much-needed sabbatical after ten years of ministry, reflecting on the blessings, challenges, and revitalization that came out of his time away.

Ministering to Ministers: The Importance of Church Support for the Relief Fund

For over 50 years, the Relief Fund has given $12 million to PCA pastors, widows, and ministry workers in need. As of today, over 900 PCA churches have donated to the Relief Fund through a special Look After offering.

Follow Faithfully, Plan Prudently: Reflections on Retirement Planning from Rev. Harry Long

“I went the first decade of my ministry without focusing on retirement.” Thanks to God’s providence, Rev. Harry Long’s diligent preparation, and the help of Geneva, he not only retired, but retired well.

Pastoral Sabbatical Matching Program Alleviates the Financial Burden of Sabbaticals

Geneva Benefits Group, the leading provider of retirement and benefits services for the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), is pleased to announce the application window for its Ministerial Wellbeing Sabbatical Matching Program.

Life is Hard – Get Out of Bed Anyway

We sat down with Alan Noble to discuss his new book, “On Getting Out of Bed: The Burden and Gift of Living,” and why this topic is such a timely one for the local church.

Understanding Pastoral Wellbeing

What does it take for your pastor to thrive on the long road of ministry? Geneva Benefits Group has done the research.

Honoring Widow’s on International Widow’s Day – Leigh Ann

Going from wife to widow is a change women don’t always anticipate and stands out as one of the more destabilizing and potentially lonely experiences a woman can face, especially when the change happens suddenly.

International Widow’s Day Honored by The Relief Fund

When the church cares for the physical needs of the vulnerable, we connect the truths of the gospel to the watching world. Throughout our churches are widows, whom the Church significantly supports through the Relief Fund, because Jesus cared for his bride.

Understanding the PCA’s Relief Fund and How to Support Ministry Families in Need.

We sat down with our Director of Ministerial Wellbeing, Rev. Paul Joiner, and Director of Philanthropic Giving, Chris Zurbach, to better understand the PCA Ministerial Relief Fund.

Geneva Benefits Group to Host 17th Annual Golf Tournament

The tournament, held in conjunction with the 51st General Assembly in Richmond, Virginia, is a time of fellowship to raise money for the Relief Fund.

When Worries Mounted, the Relief Fund Stepped In

“My biggest concern after my health and family, were our finances.” Rev. Rick DeMass’s situation was leaving him with mounting worries. The Relief Fund stepped in.

The Guthries’ Story: How the Church Provided When a Courageous Choice Came With Great Sacrifice

The Guthries were willing to sacrifice their future financial security to serve within a denomination that valued the Bible and Reformed faith. 50 years ago, the Relief Fund was created to help fill the gap for families like the Guthries.

2023 Annual Report

We are proud of how our benefits have expanded throughout this year to better achieve our mission: to come alongside pastors and ministry workers in every season of ministry. Read and download our 2023 Annual Report now.

Why the Ministry of Cherish Remains Vital — Annie’s Story

“I don’t know how I would have made it.” Your gift to Cherish made it possible for Annie and other pastors’ wives to find hope during a turbulent season of life.

Reflections from a pastor’s wife: An Interview with Meaghan May

We recently sat down with Meaghan to get her perspective on the unique issues facing pastors’ wives. Here are three insights she shared:

3 Ways Your Church Can Celebrate Pastors’ Wives Appreciation Month

How can your church make your pastor’s wife feel appreciated? We asked Meaghan May, a pastor’s wife and leader of WE (Wives of Elders). Here are three practical suggestions for making your pastor’s wife feel valued…

3 Ways to Show Appreciation for Pastors’ Wives

March is Pastors’ Wives Appreciation Month. What’s the best way to help pastors’ wives feel appreciated?

2023 Impact Statement

Since 1973, Geneva Benefits Group has supported the wellbeing of ministry leaders, workers, and their families, so they can live generously in every season of ministry. See how the Lord has providentially grown and increased our services to our ministry servants by viewing our 2023 Impact Statement!

2025 Tax Guides

Each year brings revised contribution limits and changing tax laws. It is important to know how these annual updates impact churches and ministry staff.

2024 Tax Guides

Each year brings revised contribution limits and changing tax laws. It is important to know how these annual updates impact churches and ministry staff.