RELIEF FUND: Support PCA Pastors and Widows in need. GIVE TODAY!
RELIEF FUND: Support PCA Pastors and Widows in need. GIVE TODAY!

International Widow’s Day

June 23

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress…” James 1:27

International Widow’s Day

June 23

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress…” James 1:27

At least once per month, a pastor’s wife in the PCA becomes a widow. Geneva’s Relief Fund exists to meet widows in their need with emergency funding and ongoing care. In fact, when we are made aware that a PCA pastor’s wife has been widowed, we immediately send her a $1,000 check to help with unforeseen expenses.

Give now to support this work like this, in honor of International Widow’s Day.

How Geneva Steps In

Mary Lu’s Story

“From my experience as a new widow I can see the need so strongly for the Ministerial Relief Fund in all that they do. It’s not just looking after, it’s caring for people in real time in real life with real problems. Focusing on the gratitude, the generosity from the Lord and from other people has been my anchor.”

Anna’s Story

It has been almost thirty-four years since Tom Graham died, but Tom’s widow Anna Graham still loves the church and marvels at how God cared for her through the church. As she looks back, she traces God’s hand of providence in Tom’s ministry and even his death. Read her full story here.

Crystal’s Story

It is truly the Lord caring for me through this ministry, or I would have nothing. I’ve been able to pay my rent, my bills, and get food. I’ve been able to go to sleep at night knowing I was taken care of, even though I don’t have my best friend and my pastor beside me.” Read her full story here.

Brenda’s Story

“Right before Christmas, I got a letter from PCA Ministerial Relief and surprise! It was $1,000.” Brenda Gordon lives in New Hampshire and her husband, Rev. Bruce E. Gordon passed away last May. Brenda received a $1000 check to help meet her financial needs. She recently sat down with us, shared her story and what that gift meant to her. Read her full story here.

Give now to support this work like this, in honor of International Widow’s Day.

“Since I don’t know how and can’t thank you enough for this year’s financial support, I’ll ask Jesus to do it for me. And I know He answers prayer. There’s truly no way of telling where I would be if not for the relief fund.”

Widow and Ministerial Relief Recipient