RELIEF FUND: Support PCA Pastors and Widows in need. GIVE TODAY!
RELIEF FUND: Support PCA Pastors and Widows in need. GIVE TODAY!

Dear Friends,

I am writing to introduce myself, and to let you know of some changes at RBI Ministerial Relief. As you know, Bob Clarke retired from his position as Director of Ministerial Relief in March. Bob served faithfully in that role for 10 years, and I know many of you have personally benefited from his compassionate care and pastoral heart. For the past few months Bob has been working part time to oversee Ministerial Relief, but as of July he will fully step aside to spend time with his wife Kathy. We are grateful for Bob’s service and ask you to join us in praying he and Kathy have a restful and enjoyable retirement.

In August, as Bob steps down, I will assume the role of Director of Ministerial Relief. My hope is, as you deal with RBI, you will find the transition to new leadership as smooth as possible. Rest assured Vickie Poole remains a valuable part of the team. As always, Vickie is ready to talk, pray, and help you in any way she can. Please know we love you all, we care about you and your welfare, and we will work to serve you with as much passion and energy as possible.

As an introduction, my wife of 25 years is Laurabeth, and we have six children: Andrew (19), Jack (18), Chloe (17), Molly (8), Sam (7), and Xander (4). My youngest 3 were adopted from the California foster system. For the past 9 years, I served as lead pastor of Trinity Church in San Luis Obispo, California. Prior to seminary, I was an attorney in Alabama, where I was born and raised. I joined the RBI Board of Directors in 2010 and have served as board chair since 2014. In that time, I have come to know and love the mission and values of this great agency, and I am thrilled to join the team.

Over the short term, we plan to maintain the high level of care and professionalism Ministerial Relief has always had as we care for widows, pastors, and their families in times of financial or personal crisis. Along the way, we will begin a focused development effort so we can continue this support long into the future. Over the next few years, we will explore new ways to serve pastors and their families through proactive efforts to equip them with resources to thrive in the demanding life of a pastor and family.

Please feel free to contact me or Vickie if we can help you in any way. Know we are praying for you and wish you the best.

Warmly in Christ,
Rev. Jon Medlock
Director, Ministerial Relief

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