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RELIEF FUND: Support PCA Pastors and Widows in need. GIVE TODAY!


PCA Retirement & Benefits, or PCA RBI, an agency of the Presbyterian Church in America, announced today that it is changing its name to Geneva Benefits Group. The name change reflects the agency’s unique position as a provider of benefits for church staff and ministry employees while also reflecting its commitment to the values and convictions of the reformed tradition.

The new name is a response to user feedback conducted in 2021 and reflects recent additions to Geneva’s services. A survey of over 600 pastors and ministry staff found that the previous name did not accurately capture the organization’s full scope and services. 

“Our name has changed to more accurately reflect who we are,” said Ed Dunnington, president of Geneva Benefits Group. “Though retirement and benefits continue to be a core service we provide, we also administer the Ministerial Relief Fund, provide access to counseling, and are exploring other wellbeing programs that extend beyond financial services.”

In 2020, the agency conducted a study on pastoral wellbeing in the PCA. In response, Geneva plans to build on its counseling benefit by offering a more diverse slate of wellbeing programs for all ministry staff and their families. 

The agency has also expanded its participant base recently by agreeing to serve employees within the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church and Korean American Presbyterian Churches. With more opportunities to serve other reformed denominations and organizations, the agency needed a name that would tie itself to the reformed and presbyterian tradition while not limiting its services exclusively to those within one particular denomination. 

This change is effective immediately. The new name was approved by the board of directors at its meeting in November 2021 and announced at the 49th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America in Birmingham, Alabama. Geneva will be the agency’s third name. In 1982, the agency was formed by the denomination under the name Insurance, Annuities, and Relief. Then, in 2002, it became PCA Retirement & Benefits, or PCA RBI. Now, twenty years later, the agency operates as Geneva Benefits Group. 

“Though our name is changing, our participants can expect to enjoy the same quality of service and benefits they’ve experienced for nearly fifty years,” says Dunnington. “We care about those working in ministry and remain committed to pursuing excellence in every service we provide them.”

For more information, visit genevabenefits.org or email us at contact@genevabenefits.org.

Geneva Benefits Group serves those who serve others, providing practical support for the financial, physical, and mental wellbeing of people who work in full-time ministry.

Geneva offers preparedness and peace of mind with solutions tailored to the needs of ministry leaders and staff.