
Just Released: 2023 Annual Report // Read Now

Just Released: 2023 Annual Report // Read Now

When Worries Mounted, the Relief Fund Stepped In

“My biggest concern after my health and family, were our finances.”

Rev. Rick DeMass’s situation left him with mounting worries. Having been without a pastoral call since June 2019, he and his wife began dipping into their PCA retirement fund to make ends meet. In June 2023, Rick’s employer informed him that the business was shutting down and he’d subsequently be without work. A month later, Rick was diagnosed with cancer.

Life can often derail our best-laid plans. Even with our careful steps through life, sometimes, it can feel like hardship is met with misfortune. At Geneva, we guide pastors through the complexities of financial planning and benefits so that they can not only prepare for retirement but also be able to withstand some of life’s unexpected circumstances that impact finances.  There are, however, situations which can overwhelm our finances. This is why the Geneva Relief Fund exists.

“As I lay on my hospital bed recovering from cancer surgery, my wife remembered the Geneva Relief Fund and began promptly to fill out an application.”

That was August 21, 2023. By early September, the DeMasses received a visit from Ed Dunnington, President of Geneva Benefits Group. While visiting Washington, Ed made sure to visit Rick and his wife and share some good news. The Relief Fund would be awarding the family a monthly monetary gift to cover almost half of their monthly expenses through 2023. The gift of support has since been extended through 2024. 

“Since being diagnosed with cancer, ‘our daily bread’ needs were a front burner concern. Thanks to the Geneva Relief Fund, they are now on the back burner and praying about my recovery and what the Lord might have next for me is on the front.”

Rev. DeMass is not alone in his concerns. In fact, our research shows that over 70 percent of PCA pastors are not confident they have enough savings for retirement. Many of them face significant financial and emotional stress during their working years and in retirement.

The Relief Fund exists to care for our ministry servants both during and beyond their time of active ministry. Following God’s call into vocational ministry often involves sacrifice. Your gift to the Relief Fund honors the sacrifices they’ve made along the way to serve the church by covering necessary expenses.

“We could not be more thankful that the Relief Fund exists and for your generous giving to this needful ministry!”

We can’t do this without the generous support of our donors. To learn more about the Relief Fund or make a gift of support, visit genevabenefits.org/relief-fund/about/.

Geneva Benefits Group serves those who serve others, providing practical support for the financial, physical, and mental wellbeing of people who work in full-time ministry.

Geneva offers preparedness and peace of mind with solutions tailored to the needs of ministry leaders and staff.