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Explore our 2024 Impact Report!

This year’s Annual Enrollment is December 1 – 7. Existing benefit elections will continue to be in force throughout the new 2021 plan year with no confirmation of enrollment needed. However, if a change is needed to update dependents on life, dental, or vision insurance, this is the time to process an Annual Enrollment in SmartBen. New enrollments or plan changes will be effective January 1, 2021.

Employee Access to SmartBen

All employees currently enrolled in PCA insurance plans may log into SmartBen by entering the following information:

  • User Name (nine-digit Social Security Number with no dashes used, e.g., 111-11-1111 would be entered as 111111111)
  • Password (six-digit date of birth in the format of MMDDYY with no dashes or slashes; so, January 7, 1980 would be entered 010780) After the initial login, employees will be asked to change their password to a new password.

To reach SmartBen:

  • visit the RBI website (www.genevabenefits.org) and selecting My Benefits


  • go directly to SmartBen (https://pca.smartben.net) to login

In SmartBen you may review and print your current benefit enrollments: from My Benefits, select View Enrollment Confirmation. The plan certificates (plan details) for your current benefits are available by selecting Plans from the selections available along the top of the Welcome page.


Call our dedicated insurance specialists:

  • Bonnie Nowak: 800-789-8765 (x1284)
  • Sandie Robertson: 800-789-8765 (x1184)

Bonnie and Sandie can address your insurance plan questions, including enrollment eligibility, forms, insurance products, employment changes, SmartBen, insurance invoices, or payments.

Geneva Benefits Group serves those who serve others, providing practical support for the financial, physical, and mental wellbeing of people who work in full-time ministry.

Geneva offers preparedness and peace of mind with solutions tailored to the needs of ministry leaders and staff.