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Honoring Widow’s on International Widow’s Day – Leigh Ann

Going from wife to widow is a change women don’t always anticipate and stands out as one of the more destabilizing and potentially lonely experiences a woman can face, especially when the change happens suddenly.

International Widow’s Day Honored by The Relief Fund

When the church cares for the physical needs of the vulnerable, we connect the truths of the gospel to the watching world. Throughout our churches are widows, whom the Church significantly supports through the Relief Fund, because Jesus cared for his bride.

2023 Relief Impact Report

At Geneva, we believe it’s our duty to care for those who serve our churches. The Relief Fund supports the financial health and wellbeing of PCA ministry leaders and their families and can’t do this without the generosity of our donors.

Geneva Benefits Group Launches Look After Fundraising Campaign and Matching Program in Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Relief Fund

Geneva Benefits Group launches Look After fundraising campaign and matching program in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Relief Fund. The campaign will provide support to pastors, widows, and ministry workers in need and offer matching funds up to $85,000.

A Work of Gospel Grace and Mercy: Why Draper’s Valley Presbyterian Church Supports the Relief Fund

Today, a significant number of retired ministers and their spouses face financial difficulties. Their ministry positions limited their earning potential which resulted in limited savings. Ordinary expenses like groceries, housing expenses, and medical bills threaten to exhaust the modest funds they possess.

“I had literally lost everything.” Peggy West and God’s Provision

After her husband passed away, Peggy moved to live closer to family. She brought all her belongings, including family photos, her treasured violin and piano, and original music compositions, to an apartment—only to have a second tragedy strike when a fire consumed the building.

2022 Impact Report

At Geneva, we believe it’s our duty to care for those who serve our churches. The Relief Fund supports the financial health and wellbeing of PCA ministry leaders and their families and can’t do this without the generosity of our donors.

Bible Verses About Widows

From the very beginning of the church, the apostles called Christians to care for widows. The most famous passage in the Bible about widows carries that very message, and it is the inspiration for our yearly Look/After campaign: “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world” (James 1:27).

PCA Foundation Offers Matching Gift

The PCA Foundation is offering a $10,000 matching gift to support widows and pastors served through the Relief Fund.

How God Cared for Me

It has been almost thirty-four years since Tom Graham died, but Tom’s widow Anna Graham still loves the church and marvels at how God cared for her through the church.