In 1973, our organization was tasked by the PCA General Assembly to develop a program that would “meet the needs of ministers and other workers in the church in an adequate manner.” Since then, we have served over 25,000 ministry workers across 2,000 organizations, and provided $12 million in financial assistance to retired PCA pastors, widows, and ministry workers through the Relief Fund. As the 50th anniversary of the PCA dawns, Geneva Benefits Group finds itself in a season of renewal; building on our past and eagerly moving forward.
We are proud of how our benefits have expanded throughout this year to better achieve our mission: to come alongside pastors and ministry workers in every season of ministry.
These expanded benefits include:
LILI, our Late-in-Life Income product
A new counseling service, making counseling more accessible to ministry leaders and their families
Additional wellbeing initiative to support and develop the emotional and spiritual health of pastors and ministry workers.
Geneva Benefits Group serves those who serve others, providing practical support for the financial, physical, and mental wellbeing of people who work in full-time ministry.
This article originally published May 25, 2023