RELIEF FUND: Support PCA Pastors and Widows in need. GIVE TODAY!
RELIEF FUND: Support PCA Pastors and Widows in need. GIVE TODAY!

Geneva Benefits Group helps reformed churches serve those who serve

As our name implies, Geneva Benefits Group specializes in helping reformed churches and connected ministries provide financial, emotional, and physical wellbeing to their ministry staff.

Expanding to more reformed churches

We were formed in 1982 by the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), a growing reformed denomination, with a mandate to care for those in full-time ministry. Back then, our name was Insurance, Annuities, and Relief, but in 2002 we changed our name to PCA Retirement & Benefits to underscore our relationship with the denomination’s ministry staff.

But in the past few years, we have expanded our service offerings to other like-minded reformed churches, such as the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church and the Korean American Presbyterian Church. This expansion of our customer base did not change our theological commitments, but it allow us to adopt a name that better articulated the ministries we serve. 

Commitment to our tradition and ministry staff

In the name “Geneva Benefits Group,” we capture both our reformed tradition and our ongoing service to ministry workers. Reformed churches adhere to the scriptures, which tell us that ministry workers be paid fairly (1 Timothy 5:17-18). Our own denomination, the PCA, mandates that we compensate staff so “they are free from worldly cares” (BCO 20-6).

Today, we offer benefits that help churches:

  • Construct call packages for their ministry staff and conduct annual performance and compensation reviews to track job skills and keep pay in line with cost of living
  • Offer wellness programs to their staff, such as counseling
  • Protect the ministry staff through life, dental, vision, and other insurance
  • Set staff up for long-term ministry life by providing sage retirement and financial planning services
  • Look after the needy among us through our Relief Fund

To learn more about Geneva and how it can help your church, visit our home page.

Geneva Benefits Group serves those who serve others, providing practical support for the financial, physical, and mental wellbeing of people who work in full-time ministry.

Geneva offers preparedness and peace of mind with solutions tailored to the needs of ministry leaders and staff.