


Chloe Latture

Crafting a Pastor Salary Compensation Package: 4 Tips for Church Decision Makers

Here are 4 tips from Matt Moore, Church Administrator at Briarwood since 2001, on constructing compensation packages for church staff and pastors.

A History of Geneva Benefits Group and the PCA

For fifty years, Geneva Benefits Group has administered the Ministerial Relief Fund on behalf of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). The first General Assembly of the PCA established this committee to manage retirement and benefits of the newly formed denomination and to develop a program to “meet the needs of ministers and other workers in the church in an adequate manner.”

How To Enroll in a Church Retirement Plan

As our name suggests, Geneva Benefits Group is a part of the reformed tradition. That means our decisions are directed by Scripture and guided by our church documents, even in financial matters like church staff compensation packages. But when it comes to enrolling a church staff in a retirement plan, it can be difficult to know where to start.

Bible Verses About Widows

From the very beginning of the church, the apostles called Christians to care for widows. The most famous passage in the Bible about widows carries that very message, and it is the inspiration for our yearly Look/After campaign: “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world” (James 1:27).

Serving Reformed Churches

As our name implies, Geneva Benefits specializes in helping reformed churches and connected ministries provide financial, emotional, and physical wellbeing to their ministry staff.

Retirement Planning for Pastors

In our research, we found that 70% of PCA pastors are not confident that they have enough savings for retirement, and therefore need to plan for retirement. As many PCA pastors reach retirement age, Geneva helps the most pressing cases with financial aid through the Relief Fund.

Q&A: Should pastors opt out of Social Security?

Under U.S. tax code, ordained ministers can opt out of Social Security. Form 4361 declares that ministers who are theologically opposed to receiving benefits from the government can excuse themselves from Social Security. While keeping 15.3 percent each paycheck instead of giving it to the government might seem like the way to go, opting out of social security is not a decision to make lightly. There are irrevocable repercussions. Once a pastor chooses to opt out, they are out for good in most cases.

PCA RBI Announces Name Change to Geneva Benefits Group

PCA Retirement & Benefits, an agency of the Presbyterian Church in America, announced that it is changing its name to Geneva Benefits Group.

Causes of and Solutions for Ministry Burnout

Many have discussed the tragic results of the pandemic and the nation’s division on pastors’ wellbeing. The tension caused by each event has made pastoring difficult for many in full-time ministry, and some have left to pursue other careers altogether.

How Churches Can Navigate Health Care Benefits

While many ministries would love to be able to provide full family coverage to their employees, the cost of medical insurance is increasingly expensive. Here are some options churches may consider: